Category: Raspberry
The advantages for a Raspberry Pi
Before I had a Raspberry Pi, I always wondered what use such a device could be. I assume there are many more people on the internet who think the same. There are a number of advantages for all these people. By combining these advantages, the Raspberry Pi offers a unique and powerful solution for numerous…
Read energy consumption balance with Domoticz
Manual for setting up a meter for netting with Domoticz. Netting and Domoticz Domoticz is an ideal tool to read your energy meter. If you have solar panels, it is very useful if you can read your balance of consumption and return. This balance determines whether you still have to pay extra or get something…
Unattended upgrades for Raspberry Pi
Install Automatic updates for Raspberry Pi
How to install a Raspberry Pi
Install Raspbian OS on a micro SD card If you don’t have a Raspberry Pi yet, you can purchase a Raspberry Pi 5 here. You can also purchase complete packages, because you do need some extras. Click here for an example of a complete package. You can of course also put together a package yourself.…